Code & Conquer
The Indie Hacker Podcast
Hosted by Tobias Arweiler
Indie hacker
Founder of Ice Bear Labs
Creator of

Every episode features a one-on-one conversation with a unique entrepreneur, focusing on their experiences, wisdom, and insights. From $0 MRR to successful startups, learn from these inspiring stories and discover what it takes to turn your dreams into reality. Grab a cup of coffee, relax, and get ready for an hour of captivating conversation.
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Podcast Episodes
#033 Building a $15K/Month MVP Agency with Janu Lingeswaran
In this episode, Janu Lingeswaran shares his journey of building Featherflow, an MVP...
#032 Scaling Down to Scale Up with Alex Suzuki
Alex Suzuki shares his fascinating journey from running a successful agency to becom...
#031 The Art of Not Giving Up with Dmytro Krasun
In this episode, Dmytro Krasun shares his journey of building Screenshot One, an API...
#30 Selling your startup and buying it back with Steve Ridout
In this episode, we're talking to Steve Rideout, founder of ReadLang, who turned his...
#029 Building for Tech B2B with Lukas Hermann
In this episode, we're talking to Lukas Hermann, founder of StageTimer - a specializ...
What Our Listeners Say
" @philkellr is not the youngest indie hacker " 🤣🤣🤣
— Sebastian Muthwill (@SebastianM6L) August 2, 2023
Listen to "#005 Philipp Keller with" by Code & Conquer - The Indie Hacker Podcast
explaining how @clip_wing works and muuuch more on this super cool episode of @CodeConquerPod podcast! ✨🎬
— Lera 🦋 Clipwing (@thiswillblossom) December 15, 2023
full episode:
It’s Friday again
— Philipp Keller (@philkellr) August 4, 2023
It’s code & conquer time 🎶
— Arvindh ⚔️ Business Coach (@arvindhsundar) December 1, 2023
THANK YOU @icebearlabs and @CodeConquerPod FOR THE OPPORTUNITY!
i was extremely surprised when I got the first message from Tobias it was zoo respectful and nice, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
— alex 👀 (@aliszu) August 26, 2024
the call was great. Tobias has a natural skill of making people comfortable firming the talk and he is so lovely.
check him out, check his podcast.…
Just listened to the latest episode of Code & Conquer, with Tobias & Phil. Great conversation guys! Excellent ideas and inspiration there. Phil, amazing you have achieved what you have with such little spare time 👍🏻
— Dan Miller (@mrdanmiller) July 10, 2023
I had the privilege to be the guest of @icebearlabs for @codeconquerpod. We had a great chat that touched on a variety of topics: steward-ownership, corporate transparency, and why I believe no-code platforms should prioritize their developer experience.
— Juho Makkonen (@Kusti) March 5, 2024
Shout-out to @icebearlabs for his cool podcast (@CodeConquerPod) which talks about #indiehacking.
— Mark Praschan (@MarkPraschan) July 31, 2024